About Us
Company Profile
RIFF LEATHER LIMITED, is a 100% export oriented crust and finished leather manufacturer in Bangladesh, residing in Chattogram the largest commercial capital city of Bangladesh. Riff Leather has been setting industry standards in Bangladesh as a leather export industry since 1991, maintaining high quality with strictness. RIFF is the sister concern industry of the countries leading group of company T. K. Group of Industries. Our main strength is our technically sound group of technical personnel, the latest high-tech machineries and environment friendly chemicals that conforming ZDHC MRSL.
The annual production capacity of RIFF Leather Limited is 12.0 million square feet leather to meet the ever growing global market demand and constant improvements in the service of its customers with sustainable growth.
RIFF Leather is exporting its product globally, specially in many Asian, American, and European countries, e.g. Italy, Spain, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, etc. We are welcoming you to do business with us.

RIFF Leather process all local Bangladeshi hides and goat skins into shoe upper and lining leathers. We operate from two sites across the road from each other, one the main production site and offices the other housing the Beamhouse and WWTP.
It has the combination of latest technology and control to produce its unique quality crust and finished leather for the Local & Global market.